Abrasive Blades: High Speed Saws
Asphalt/Green Concrete
12 to 16 inches
20mm or 1 inch arbor
Abrasive Blades: Walk Behind Saws
Applications: Cured concrete, reinforced concrete,
asphalt, green concrete
14 x 3/16 inches with drive pin hole
Chop Saw
14 x 7/64 x 1
Stationary Saw
20 x 1/8 x 1

Circular Hand Saw
Metal or Concrete
7 x 3/32 x DM-5/8
Grinding Wheels: Depressed Center - Type 27
Metal or Concrete
4 to 9 inch
Concrete Grinding
Cup Stones
4, 5, or 6 inch with 5/8-11 arbor
Floor Grinding Bricks
Fine / Medium / Coarse / Super Coarse
2 x 2 x 4 inch
Hand Rub Bricks
6 or 8 inch with handle
Bench / Pedestal Wheels
Aluminum Oxide (grey) or Silicon Carbide (green)
60 / 80 / 100 grit
6 to 8 inch
CALL 800-331-2437 or FAX 573-372-5909